Day 339 – Tractors to Fairgrounds!

Sunday Darrell went to pick up the tractors in Sandwich & I took the cats in my truck & we were going to meet at the DuPage County fairgrounds. Well my trip was more interesting then his….. I hate putting the cats in the carriers & I was driving down Eola & Batman decided to look out the window, and he accidentally put his paws on the window & the window opened all the way, and while I was driving and holding Mary & Batman back I had to somehow shut the window, it was scary! Then I look over & Mary is acting funny standing over my purse, at the last second I grab her away from my purse and she proceeds to poo all over the truck seat, at least it was hard and not runny! Then right after that she pukes twice on the seat!! It was horrible, I had to pull over and try to clean it up with what I had! We make it to the fairgrounds, set up the camper, set up the tractors & then my parent’s came by. The 4 of us ate at The Verdict, and then relaxed in the camper watching tv for a while, I forgot to take a picture of my parents, so I took a picture of our tractors set up! They were the 1st ones there!

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