Monthly Archives: February 2020

Book 228 of 500!

This Gwen Cooper short story was actually an excerpt from another writer named Ingrid King who also wrote about her cats. This story was called Buckley’s Story! It was a very sweet, and sad, and cute story. It made me … Continue reading

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Books 225, 226 and 227!!

These books are all by Gwen Cooper. Short stories actually. They are called Rhoda Palmateer, Secret Lovers, and For Whom The Cat Yowls. All of them were very good, and interesting, and FUNNY and super quick reads! I always wish … Continue reading

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Book 224 of 500!

It has been a LONG time since I last recorded a book, and in reality this book should count for 10 books! Longest book I’ve ever ready! But so interesting and informative that it was worth the long read! It … Continue reading

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