Day 49

Yesterday I worked at the farm. That was it, then I came home and did the regular things I normally do, so the evening comes around and I hadn’t taken a picture yet. So I decided to remember my Grandpa Pete. I took a picture of the 2 things I knew that I had to have when the sad day came, and he was gone. It is a yellow pillow that was always on his couch. Whenever we went to Iowa, I would always use that pillow, and sleep with it every night. Then there is the stuffed tiger. He always sat on the back porch on the table looking out the window. I remember always playing with him when I was younger, and when I got older I’d go out and sit with him and read on the back porch. Now they sit with me every day on my couch at home. I also decided to name the tiger Petey. For the longest time they still had the scent of my grandpa, but with every day the scent is slowly fading, and it makes me really sad. However, my memories of him and my love for him will never go away!

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