Day 157 – Darn Bears…..

Today was our relaxing Sunday at home. The Bears were supposed to beat the Packers and go to the Superbowl, but of course they lost. We all already had tickets to a Superbowl party too, and now my dad is trying to get a refund, I guess it’s just not the same going without the Bears being in it! I wanted to take a picture of our new chairs today, but I got a picture of part of one of them with Mary sitting on it, however, she yawned right at the exact moment that I took the picture!!

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One Response to Day 157 – Darn Bears…..

  1. Diane says:

    Ha ha ha!! Good picture Kristy. I thought she was hissing at you saying, stay away, this is MY chair!! That’s the way things go around here. Chair looks nice. We could use some new chairs too.

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