Day 114 – WCCQ

So a couple of weeks ago, I was caller number 5 and I got qualifed to win an all inclusive trip for 2 to Punta Cana, the Dominican Replican for the Roy & Carol beach party. Today I had to go to Great Steaks ‘n More in Bolingbrook to find out if I won. It started at 11am and they were going to qualify 5 more people, my dad ended up getting qualified, but Darrell didn’t. Then at around 12:30 they started the drawing, but it wasn’t a normal drawing. They would draw the numbers until there was only 1 ticket left, as each ticket was drawn that person was eliminated. The the final ticket was the winner. So guess when my ticket was drawn? FIRST!! I couldn’t belive it, if it had been a normal drawing I would have WON the trip! There were 35 people in the drawing, so I was number 35, and my dad made it to number 8, so he was so close and yet so far. It’s a good thing my dad talked me into having my picture taken with Roy BEFORE the drawing, because I’m smiling and happy in it, if it had been taken afterwards…..well lets just say I was NOT a happy camper……

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